Quiebra bajo el Capítulo 13

Elimina o reduce sustancialmente sus deudas, protege su codeudor, casa y el auto, paraliza las llamadas de los cobradores y las demandas de cobro de dinero o ejecución de hipoteca.

Bajo el Capítulo 13 de la Ley de quiebras se permite hacer un plan de pagos, conforme a sus ingresos, que le permita proteger a sus codeudores, incluir atrasos en el pago de pensiones alimentarias, en hipotecas y en los autos, o en los equipos de negocio que haya sido adquirido bajo venta condicional.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Plan Payments OPTIONS: Alejandro Oliveras Rivera Informative Flyer

Plan Payments Options: Informative Flyer

The attached document provides information on the various methods that debtors can use to make their plan payments to this office.  A highlight is the ability that debtors, with internet,  now have to obtain payment coupons from our website.  The instructions are o the lower right corner of the flyer.  Now debtors who are running short on payment coupons can access our website and print their coupons.  We are to distribute this flyer to debtors in the coming days during their meetings of creditors.    A Spanish version is in the making.  We are also advancing that soon we will give debtors the ability to pay by telephone and thru the internet.

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